Feb 28, 2023
The federal government is again working on final changes to its independent contractor guidelines. Getting this sticky area wrong can hold dire consequences with potential litigation, fines, fees, and, of course, back taxes. Employee classification can be a...
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Feb 21, 2023
You win some, you lose some—that’s the nature of investing. But when it comes to paying taxes, you might be able to turn an investment loss into a tax win through tax-loss harvesting. It’s certainly a volatile time for investing. U.S. stocks and bonds were down in the...
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Feb 14, 2023
New instructions for schedules K-2 and K-3 are out. The big change is a Domestic Filing Exception (DFE) that, in theory, makes it easier to file if all partners/owners qualify. The DFE is designed to reduce the complexity and time associated with preparing and filing...
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