Whether your business is law, construction, manufacturing, retail, or government contracting, and you require exit planning, asset protection, or a tax planning solution, our business has been "solving clients' problems" since 1977.



Beware of Offer-in-Compromise (OIC) Scams

Beware of Offer-in-Compromise (OIC) Scams

The IRS Offer-in-Compromise (OIC) program can be a great opportunity if you owe the IRS money you don’t have. However, some scam artists are getting in on the action and “selling” OICs that...

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7 Reasons to Itemize Deductions

7 Reasons to Itemize Deductions

There’s good reason 90% of taxpayers claim the standard deduction: It more than covers what most Americans can deduct on their own. However, in certain years, some taxpayers may want or need to...

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Dangers of AI-Powered Chatbot Tax Advice

Dangers of AI-Powered Chatbot Tax Advice

TurboTax and H&R Block started using artificial intelligence (AI) chatbots to give tax advice. The potential results? Dramatically inaccurate tips that could lead to an audit. Consider this...

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Family Business Growth Through Uncertainty

Family Business Growth Through Uncertainty

If you own a family business that’s been growing or seems poised for growth, you’re not alone. You’re also not alone if you feel more worried or concerned than ever, even while your revenue and...

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Are you confident you’re paying the least amount possible on your business taxes?
Schedule a private and complimentary consultation with Steven Bankler and put more money in your pocket!