Whether your business is law, construction, manufacturing, retail, or government contracting, and you require exit planning, asset protection, or a tax planning solution, our business has been "solving clients' problems" since 1977.



Tom Petty’s Estate Is Free Fallin’

Tom Petty’s Estate Is Free Fallin’

There’s no doubt the late, great rock star Tom Petty thought he had his legacy all wrapped up in a neat package before he passed away. Like too many before him, he was wrong.  Unlike...

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Work During Vacation Could Pay Off

Work During Vacation Could Pay Off

Mixing business with pleasure while traveling this summer? Some of it might be tax deductible, but the rules are tricky. Your ability to deduct travel expenses depends on these six factors:...

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Passing Down Your Family Business

Passing Down Your Family Business

If it’s the latter, emotions can further complicate matters. Family business owners are often caught without a safety net when the sons or daughters they always envisioned running the business...

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Surprising Taxes On Alernative Investments

Surprising Taxes On Alernative Investments

As your net worth grows, your financial advisor may suggest diversifying your portfolio with alternative investments. These assets can include gold and real estate. Cryptocurrencies are another...

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Business Tax Deduction Faqs

Business Tax Deduction Faqs

What expenses can my business deduct on its taxes? It’s such a simple question, yet the answer is shockingly complex. No tax situation is one-size-fits-all, and the rules are constantly...

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Tax Changes For Employee Moving Expenses

Tax Changes For Employee Moving Expenses

Qualified moving expense tax treatment for employees has changed under the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (TCJA). The transition started in 2018, but taxpayers are still being blindsided by what’s no...

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Retiring And Your Taxes

Retiring And Your Taxes

If you’re planning on retiring soon, congratulations! Enjoy and celebrate, but also take some time to understand how retiring right now will influence your future tax returns. Click To View

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Retiring & Your Taxes

Retiring & Your Taxes

While taxes, in general, are a constant, tax codes are ever changing. Each year presents a different set of tax implications when it comes to retirement. If you're planning on retiring soon,...

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5 Audit Mistakes To Avoid

5 Audit Mistakes To Avoid

The IRS audits less than 1% of all tax returns. Before you breathe a sigh of relief, that still adds up to about 1 million audits every year. IRS software is helping to automate the...

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Are you confident you’re paying the least amount possible on your business taxes?
Schedule a private and complimentary consultation with Steven Bankler and put more money in your pocket!