
Responding to an IRS Letter
The IRS just made it easier to respond to a handful of tax notices online, which presents an excellent opportunity to review what a letter from the IRS could mean and how you should respond to...

Awaiting a Tax Refund in 2023?
If you got used to receiving a tax refund in recent years, don’t hold your breath for the same this tax season. While the IRS is better staffed and equipped this year for prompt refunds,...

529 Rollovers to Roth IRAs Coming Soon
Starting in 2024, you can rollover old, unused 529 funds into a Roth IRA as a way to avoid taxes and penalties on the money if it turns out you didn’t need it for a student’s education after...

Worker Misclassification Changes Are Resurfacing
The federal government is again working on final changes to its independent contractor guidelines. Getting this sticky area wrong can hold dire consequences with potential litigation, fines,...

Investment Losses and Tax-Loss Harvesting
You win some, you lose some—that’s the nature of investing. But when it comes to paying taxes, you might be able to turn an investment loss into a tax win through tax-loss harvesting. It’s...

New Domestic Filing Exception (DFE) for Partnerships & S Corps
New instructions for schedules K-2 and K-3 are out. The big change is a Domestic Filing Exception (DFE) that, in theory, makes it easier to file if all partners/owners qualify. The DFE is...

The ‘Wayfair Tax’ Could Plague Businesses in 2023
Remember the 2018 Wayfair ruling? Industry experts speculate that small businesses conducting out-of-state sales could see enforcement of the economic nexus ruling ramp up in 2023. The $80...

Litigation Financing Rises Alongside Economic Worries
Litigation financing has come a long way since being considered a bizarre bankrolling tool in cases like Hulk Hogan’s lawsuit against Gawker Media in 2016. In fact, the potential for ligation...

Steven Bankler Senior Partner Steven Bankler CPA Ltd. San Antonio, TX
As s a young man, Steven Bankler learned the value of record keepning. His family owned a series of local businesses where he learned much about finance and taxes. With an undeniable interest...

Unsettling Real Estate Scams on the Rise
You’re on the verge of closing on the purchase of a new house when an email comes in from the agent. It includes instructions on how to wire your closing costs just as you anticipated. The...