Whether your business is law, construction, manufacturing, retail, or government contracting, and you require exit planning, asset protection, or a tax planning solution, our business has been "solving clients' problems" since 1977.

Getting Hit by Someone Else’s Bankruptcy

Getting Hit by Someone Else’s Bankruptcy

Finding out that another business or individual who owes your business money has declared bankruptcy can feel like a kick to the stomach. But with bankruptcies already tracking higher in 2025 than in the previous three years, it’s worth considering the possibility....

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Litigation Financing’s Changing Landscape

Litigation Financing’s Changing Landscape

Litigation financing allows plaintiffs and their representation to pursue a claim without the burden of upfront expenses. In theory, it’s a mutually beneficial practice. However, it’s gotten a bad rap as a nefarious profit-maker for third-party litigation funders....

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Welcome to Texas: Cutting Tax Ties with Your Previous State

Welcome to Texas: Cutting Tax Ties with Your Previous State

San Antonio is currently one of the fastest-growing metro areas in the nation. If you’re among our new residents, welcome! Before you enjoy the tax-friendly perks of living and running a business in Texas, you’ll need to cut tax-ties with your previous state. Some,...

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Hiring Family: The Tax Considerations

Hiring Family: The Tax Considerations

Is a semi-retired parent lending your business a hand? Are your spouse or children on your payroll? Is one heir more active in the business than another? Let’s look at how the IRS treats family-member employees in these situations. Considerations for Spouses We know...

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Texas Increases Franchise Tax Exemption

Texas Increases Franchise Tax Exemption

The January 1, 2024, Texas franchise tax filing season was the first for some business owners to avoid paying or even filing a “no taxes due” form. The Texas franchise tax exemption has doubled, allowing up to $2.47 million of an entity’s total taxable revenue...

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How the Current Tax Season Is Unlike Any Other

How the Current Tax Season Is Unlike Any Other

We’re mere weeks into 2025, and nothing at the federal level has been left unhinged. That includes the IRS. What does that mean for the current tax season? Some experts are venturing guesses: Parts of the IRS playbook are unavailable. Parts of the Internal Revenue...

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