Whether your business is law, construction, manufacturing, retail, or government contracting, and you require exit planning, asset protection, or a tax planning solution, our business has been "solving clients' problems" since 1977.

When Business Matters Are Settled in Family Court

When Business Matters Are Settled in Family Court

There are business disputes, and then there are family business disputes. This one-word difference can lead to a world of legal complications. Conflicts in a family business can instantly turn a business court case into a family court case. Take the classic case of...

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Divorce Gets Costly for Business Owners in 2021

Divorce Gets Costly for Business Owners in 2021

The pandemic has complicated divorces. The number of official splits declined in 2020, likely for practical reasons. By now we’re seeing a sharp increase, and these divorces are among couples with conflict simmering much longer than usual. Entrepreneurs (and their...

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Law Firms: More Changes in Partnership Tax Forms Ahead

Law Firms: More Changes in Partnership Tax Forms Ahead

Have you seen the newly redesigned partnership tax form? The IRS would like taxpayer input on it before releasing it in 2021. According to the IRS, the proposed form is designed to provide greater clarity for partners on how to compute their U.S. income tax liability...

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3 Tips for Remote Expert Witness Depositions

3 Tips for Remote Expert Witness Depositions

The COVID-19 pandemic has brought remote depositions to the forefront and opened the door for more flexibility throughout Texas and the country. And not a moment too soon. The current climate has also strained closely held businesses—some to the breaking point....

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Problems Linger With 100% Bonus Depreciation

Problems Linger With 100% Bonus Depreciation

Since the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (TCJA) raised bonus depreciation from 50% to 100% for the first year property is placed in service, many business owners have benefitted. The IRS also extended the definition of qualified property to include assets like used...

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