Whether your business is law, construction, manufacturing, retail, or government contracting, and you require exit planning, asset protection, or a tax planning solution, our business has been "solving clients' problems" since 1977.

Taxes, Gig Workers, And Your Seasonal Help

Taxes, Gig Workers, And Your Seasonal Help

Did you hear the big employment law news out of California? The state’s businesses are facing strict new limits on using independent contractors. It’s a valuable reminder that not all workers are equal in the eyes of the government, especially those considered...

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Behold This CEO’s “Sick” Tax Crimes

Behold This CEO’s “Sick” Tax Crimes

A CEO of two Denver-area technology companies was found guilty on a host of charges, including impeding the administration of tax laws, conspiracy to defraud the U.S. government, and conspiracy to steal employee benefit plan funds. He’s been sentenced to over six...

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You Can’t Beat The IRS With A Dead Horse

You Can’t Beat The IRS With A Dead Horse

Some people seem to think the IRS will overlook just about anything. But a dead horse? That’s hard to miss. When a California-based horse enthusiast and IT business owner’s last horse died in 2008, being horseless didn’t stop her from continuing to claim business...

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Joe Biden’s Bold Tax Loophole

Joe Biden’s Bold Tax Loophole

In case you missed it, presidential candidate and former Vice President Joe Biden released his tax returns this summer. He makes a lot, but that’s not what has business owners and accountants talking. Biden and his wife Jill made $15.6 million in 2017 and 2018,...

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Bonus Depreciation Relief For Some 2017-18 Purchases

Bonus Depreciation Relief For Some 2017-18 Purchases

The IRS will now permit taxpayers to change their bonus depreciation treatment for property acquired after Sept. 27, 2017, and placed in service during a tax year that includes Sept. 28, 2017.  Business owners rejoiced when Section 168 of the tax code was...

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Taxability Of Employee Snacks Versus Meals

Taxability Of Employee Snacks Versus Meals

Here’s something to chew on: The IRS continues to clarify its position on deducting the cost of free food provided to employees. This time, office snacks get a delicious boost while other meals lose their deductibility entirely.  The Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (TCJA)...

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