Whether your business is law, construction, manufacturing, retail, or government contracting, and you require exit planning, asset protection, or a tax planning solution, our business has been "solving clients' problems" since 1977.

Moving From Family-Owned to Employee-Owned

Moving From Family-Owned to Employee-Owned

Have you heard of Employee Stock Ownership Plans (ESOPs)? This particular employee-owned model is growing in popularity among manufacturers, professional and tech companies, real estate and construction businesses, and more. Alterman, Inc., one of San Antonio’s oldest...

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Sudden Death & Family Business Exits

Sudden Death & Family Business Exits

We recently wrapped up the Fourth Annual San Antonio Exit Planning Summit with our Exit Planning Exchange (XPX) San Antonio colleagues. A common theme was a sobering but vitally important one for all business owners: How sudden illness or death can complicate business...

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6 Family Business Succession Tips

6 Family Business Succession Tips

There is only one certainty for business owners: You won’t be able to stay at the helm forever. You’ll exit, either by choice or by circumstance. Some business owners prepare years in advance for that day, but family business owners don’t often have such a clear...

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2020 Lessons on SUCCESSion Planning

2020 Lessons on SUCCESSion Planning

If 2020 has taught us anything, it’s that no matter how successful you are or how well you take care of yourself, your financial situation and health are both surprisingly fragile and undeniably intertwined. Take this time of clarity to fill the gaps in your business...

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How Much Is Your Business Really Worth?

How Much Is Your Business Really Worth?

While it may seem like it now, you won’t be running your business for all eternity. At some point, you’ll likely retire from or sell your company. To that end, you’ll need an exit strategy. When clients come to us without clear exit strategies, we often find that the...

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Family Succession Planning: Four Careful Considerations

Family Succession Planning: Four Careful Considerations

I asked San Antonio business consultant John Dini, one of the nation’s leading experts on business ownership and exit planning, for his advice on handing down the family business. As the author of Hunting in a Farmer’s World, Beating the Boomer Bust and 11 Things You...

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