
Your Business Is at Risk of Fraud in 2021
Be on the alert: Scams involving employee theft and embezzlement, cyber fraud, vendor payments, and more are on the rise—at a rate of 79% more fraud since May. The Association of Certified...

What’s New from the IRS?
The IRS issued several final rules and other tax announcements at the close of 2020. Several may affect your upcoming tax filing, particularly if you’re a business owner. Take a look at the...

PPP Loan Changes and an Intro to PPP2
Did you receive a federal Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) loan in 2020? Do you need additional funds in 2021? With the newest COVID-19 relief bill that passed in December 2020 comes some...

Relying on Social Security Is Risky
The maximum payout in 2021 has increased $1,644 a year for high-wage earners who meet the criteria and qualify for full-time retirement But the payroll tax that funds Social Security is rising,...

Relying on Social Security Is Risky
You worked your entire life for this. So, why not take full advantage of Social Security benefits the moment you can? There's some merit to that way of thinking, but the reality isn't as rosy....

Large Gift & Estate Tax Changes in 2021?
The Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (TCJA) temporarily increased the basic exclusion amount of large estate gifts and reduced federal estate tax rates. The moves were made to help high net worth...

Your Sales Tax “Holiday” Is Ending
In the early months of the pandemic, states and local jurisdictions slowed their enforcement of sales tax collections from small businesses. But now that we're finding a new norm within...

Surprise! State Taxes May Kick in If Working Remotely
If you spent part of your 2020 quarantine working remotely out of state, you (or your business entity) could be surprised with state taxes. A recent poll found that more than half of Americans...

2020 Last-Minute Tax Checklist Before the New Year
You may have heard that Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) loan forgiveness is already being administered, but you can wait until 2021 to apply. It might even be more tax-advantaged to do so...

Clarity on Charitable Donations
This year is unlike any other. That truth is clear when it comes to charitable contributions. Several relief measures and new tax rulings may affect your usual giving plan, for better or for...