
How Banks Are Tapping into Artificial Intelligence
You may be experimenting with ChatGPT and other AI, and so is your bank. Financial institutions are incorporating AI into their services, but the road to innovation is fraught with risks. “AI...

2024 Tax Adjustment Highlights
The 2024 tax thresholds, brackets, and rates you’ll use to file your taxes during the 2025 tax season have just been released. Here’s how they panned out: About 90% of taxpayers claim the...

Make Family Business Asset Protection a Priority
If you’re like most family business owners, you want to protect your business and ensure that it stays in the family, but you’re not doing enough to safeguard its future. About 78% of...

Money Moves Before the New Year
We know you don’t want to deal with taxes this time of year, but hear us out: Unique tax-saving opportunities are only available before the year’s end. Think of it as the holiday gift that...

Business Dinner Seminar With Our Experts
The event included a panel discussion on the process of buying and selling a business, led by industry experts Michael L Shipman VP, Frost Insurance, and Steve Bankler. Business owners Richard...

How the Richest Entrepreneurs Spread the Wealth
No one has more to lose than the world’s wealthiest individuals. Their specific asset protection tools may not directly correlate to someone with more “average” wealth. However, the general...

Is C-Corp to S-Corp a Smart Move?
Reaching C-Corporation status can feel like the realization of a dream, and it can be the best structure for many businesses. However, sometimes it makes more sense to elect an S-Corporation...

Dangers of TikTok Tax Advice
Are you a TikTok fan? Love someone who is? Many on the social media platform swear it’s a great way to pick up practical lifehacks, including valuable little nuggets of tax advice. But is it...

IRS Caught Covering Up a $38 Million Blunder
The IRS was recently caught backdating a signature on a valuation penalty document—and then trying to talk their way out of trouble—in a giant conservation easement case. Legal experts wonder...

Education Tax Credits: What You Need to Know
It’s back-to-school season, so what better time to talk education tax credits? Taxpayers claiming the credits are often flagged by the IRS, usually due to a simple-to-fix form mismatch. There...