Whether your business is law, construction, manufacturing, retail, or government contracting, and you require exit planning, asset protection, or a tax planning solution, our business has been "solving clients' problems" since 1977.

Tax Hikes & Opportunities Expected in 2022

Tax Hikes & Opportunities Expected in 2022

Will taxes change in 2022? By how much? The answers are still up in the air—especially as a final decision on President Biden’s Build Back Better bill looks like it’ll be pushed to the New Year. Here’s a list of tax changes we know are happening and others you’ll want...

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Charitable Giving With Donor-Advised Funds (DAFs)

Charitable Giving With Donor-Advised Funds (DAFs)

Donor-Advised Funds (DAFs) have catapulted in popularity. If you’re still unsure what they are but give generously to charitable organizations, it’s time to understand their immense tax-saving potential. The National Philanthropic Trust reports an increase across the...

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Is Your Offshore Trust as Risky as the Media Reports It Is?

Is Your Offshore Trust as Risky as the Media Reports It Is?

If you have an offshore trust or have been entertaining the idea of having one, recent news may have scared you off. The Pandora Papers revealed the inner workings of what’s been dubbed a “shadow economy” benefiting the wealthy and well-connected. But that doesn’t...

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In Texas, Resolving Disputed Taxes Just Got Easier

In Texas, Resolving Disputed Taxes Just Got Easier

Just getting a case to district court efficiently and affordably has been a massive headache in the past for Texas taxpayers disputing their state and local tax (SALT) bills or refund amounts. Two new Texas laws help ease this by removing a “pay-to-play” barrier and...

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Are Required Employee IRAs Coming?

Are Required Employee IRAs Coming?

Tucked into the embattled federal budget reconciliation bill is a possible mandate forcing small businesses with five employees or more to offer an automatic IRA arrangement or 401(k)-type plan. “Under the proposal, starting in 2023, employers with five or more...

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