Whether your business is law, construction, manufacturing, retail, or government contracting, and you require exit planning, asset protection, or a tax planning solution, our business has been "solving clients' problems" since 1977.

Your Social Security Number Is at Heightened Risk for Theft

Your Social Security Number Is at Heightened Risk for Theft

You can safely assume that, in one form or another, your personal data has been leaked online. If it wasn’t apparent before, it’s undoubtedly become clear with the revelation that nearly 3 billion Social Security numbers (SSNs) and other sensitive personal information...

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Make Family Business Asset Protection a Priority

Make Family Business Asset Protection a Priority

If you’re like most family business owners, you want to protect your business and ensure that it stays in the family, but you’re not doing enough to safeguard its future. About 78% of respondents to PwC’s 2023 Family Business Survey say that their business is their...

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Growth & Your Family Business

Growth & Your Family Business

If you’re a family business owner, you likely didn’t choose that path because you hungered for business growth. But did you know that growth is the key to your family business thriving past the first generation? The latest PwC Global NextGen Survey sheds light on this...

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Main Street Lending Alternative to a PPP Loan

Main Street Lending Alternative to a PPP Loan

If you’ve had trouble securing U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA) Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) funds for your business, the Federal Reserve is offering an alternative through a low-interest loan program. It’s called the Main Street Lending Program,...

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Lose Money on a Vacation Rental This Year?

Lose Money on a Vacation Rental This Year?

Travel and tourism spending in Texas dropped 86% over the quarter. If you own a vacation rental property, you’re feeling that sting. Maybe your rental income plummeted and has yet to recover. Perhaps summer has brought back renters, and revenue has swung back up. Or...

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