Whether your business is law, construction, manufacturing, retail, or government contracting, and you require exit planning, asset protection, or a tax planning solution, our business has been "solving clients' problems" since 1977.

Tax-Free Education: A Study Guide

Tax-Free Education: A Study Guide

Online options for schools have exploded in the wake of the pandemic. If you’re looking to expand your mind as you finish out your quarantine year, consider heading back to the virtual class-room. Or perhaps you’ve been hoping to help a family member with their...

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It Still Pays to Build Green

It Still Pays to Build Green

The COVID-19 pandemic has held up many construction projects, including those that develop renewable energy. For this reason, the U.S. Treasury Department and IRS have modified the beginning of construction requirement for both the production tax credit for renewable...

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Eldercare and Your Taxes

Eldercare and Your Taxes

As nursing homes and eldercare facilities have been in lockdown this year, you may have suddenly taken on primary caregiver responsibilities for a loved one. It’s a tough job and one that only becomes more daunting as the bills pile up. But there are some critical tax...

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