Whether your business is law, construction, manufacturing, retail, or government contracting, and you require exit planning, asset protection, or a tax planning solution, our business has been "solving clients' problems" since 1977.

Savvy Finance: Are You Deducting It?

Savvy Finance: Are You Deducting It?

Running your own business? Small business deductions can really add up for entrepreneurs. And while many business owners are on top of deductions like meals and entertainment, mileage, and payroll taxes, dozens of other deductions can be overlooked. Don’t forget to...

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Charity Quid Pro Quos: What You Need To Know

Charity Quid Pro Quos: What You Need To Know

Congress isn’t the only governing body that questions quid pro quos. The IRS considers it a big deal as well, particularly as it relates to charity quid pro quos. A quid pro quo translates from Latin as “something for something.” Anytime you receive a perceived...

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National Demolition Association Annual Conference

National Demolition Association Annual Conference

What does retirement mean to you? Are you considering selling your business this year? What about in five years or in 10? Establishing a solid SUCCESSion plan can help you exit your business on top. In his presentation to National Demolition Association, Steven...

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Feds Finalize Opportunity Zone Guidance

Feds Finalize Opportunity Zone Guidance

The IRS and U.S. Treasury have finalized regulations for those interested in investing in qualified opportunity zones (QOZs). QOZs were introduced as part of the 2017 tax reform as a way for taxpayers to temporarily defer income gains by investing corresponding...

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New Overtime Pay Rules Are In Place

New Overtime Pay Rules Are In Place

About 1.3 million American workers are newly eligible for overtime pay. Are your employees among them? The U.S. Department of Labor (DOL) updated the earnings threshold necessary to exempt executive, administrative and professional employees from the Fair Labor...

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