Whether your business is law, construction, manufacturing, retail, or government contracting, and you require exit planning, asset protection, or a tax planning solution, our business has been "solving clients' problems" since 1977.

Exit Planning Dinner Seminar

Exit Planning Dinner Seminar

Full house for our Exit Planning dinner seminar with Frost Bank and Rosenblatt Law Firm! Thank you to those who joined us and a big thanks to the owners of Coursen-Koehler LLC, JR RAMON Demolition and The Magnolia Pancake Haus, who shared their exit planning...

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No Uber For The Tax Man

No Uber For The Tax Man

Are auditors and other IRS agents allowed to get a ride from a ridesharing service–or even a friend or family member–to a taxpayer’s home or place of business? It depends on whether doing so violates the taxpayer’s privacy rights. That’s the conclusion of...

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Five IRS Audit Mistakes To Avoid

Five IRS Audit Mistakes To Avoid

The IRS audits about 1 million taxpayers each year. While the agency is understaffed, that doesn’t mean you’ll slip through the cracks. IRS software automates the selection process now by flagging returns that show abnormalities: Perhaps the return deviates from...

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5 IRS Audit Mistakes To Avoid

5 IRS Audit Mistakes To Avoid

The IRS audits about one million taxpayers each year. While the agency is understaffed, that doesn’t mean you’ll slip through the cracks. IRS software automates the selection process now by flagging returns that show abnormalities: Perhaps the return deviates from...

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Taxability Of Employee Snacks Versus Meals

Taxability Of Employee Snacks Versus Meals

Here’s something to chew on: The IRS continues to clarify its position on deducting the cost of free food provided to employees. This time, office snacks get a delicious boost while other meals lose their deductibility entirely.  The Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (TCJA)...

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