Whether your business is law, construction, manufacturing, retail, or government contracting, and you require exit planning, asset protection, or a tax planning solution, our business has been "solving clients' problems" since 1977.

Worker Misclassification Changes Are Resurfacing

Worker Misclassification Changes Are Resurfacing

The federal government is again working on final changes to its independent contractor guidelines. Getting this sticky area wrong can hold dire consequences with potential litigation, fines, fees, and, of course, back taxes. Employee classification can be a...

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Investment Losses and Tax-Loss Harvesting

Investment Losses and Tax-Loss Harvesting

You win some, you lose some—that’s the nature of investing. But when it comes to paying taxes, you might be able to turn an investment loss into a tax win through tax-loss harvesting. It’s certainly a volatile time for investing. U.S. stocks and bonds were down in the...

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The ‘Wayfair Tax’ Could Plague Businesses in 2023

The ‘Wayfair Tax’ Could Plague Businesses in 2023

Remember the 2018 Wayfair ruling? Industry experts speculate that small businesses conducting out-of-state sales could see enforcement of the economic nexus ruling ramp up in 2023. The $80 billion cash infusion the IRS recently received could cause a trickle-down...

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Litigation Financing Rises Alongside Economic Worries

Litigation Financing Rises Alongside Economic Worries

Litigation financing has come a long way since being considered a bizarre bankrolling tool in cases like Hulk Hogan’s lawsuit against Gawker Media in 2016. In fact, the potential for ligation financing may only just be starting to take shape, particularly during times...

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