Whether your business is law, construction, manufacturing, retail, or government contracting, and you require exit planning, asset protection, or a tax planning solution, our business has been "solving clients' problems" since 1977.

In Texas, Resolving Disputed Taxes Just Got Easier

In Texas, Resolving Disputed Taxes Just Got Easier

Just getting a case to district court efficiently and affordably has been a massive headache in the past for Texas taxpayers disputing their state and local tax (SALT) bills or refund amounts. Two new Texas laws help ease this by removing a “pay-to-play” barrier and...

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Sudden Death & Family Business Exits

Sudden Death & Family Business Exits

We recently wrapped up the Fourth Annual San Antonio Exit Planning Summit with our Exit Planning Exchange (XPX) San Antonio colleagues. A common theme was a sobering but vitally important one for all business owners: How sudden illness or death can complicate business...

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Are Required Employee IRAs Coming?

Are Required Employee IRAs Coming?

Tucked into the embattled federal budget reconciliation bill is a possible mandate forcing small businesses with five employees or more to offer an automatic IRA arrangement or 401(k)-type plan. “Under the proposal, starting in 2023, employers with five or more...

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College Athletes “Face” Big Taxes

College Athletes “Face” Big Taxes

College athletes are starting to benefit from being able to sell their name, image, and likeness (NIL). But these athletes may be in for a rude awakening come tax time because even freebies and other non-monetary payments can be considered income. It’s a lesson...

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